Genentech is a pharmaceutical corporation with divisions, partners, and sub companies spanning the globe. They needed a seamless way to distribute their brand assets and collateral to all of their employees and vendors. The vast majority of these users are researchers and scientists who need a logo or presentation template--and who don't know or care about file types. In addition, these users aren't going to spend time reading brand guidelines but were the one's who needed to the most.

To tackle these challenges, we broke the brand website down into compartmentalized steps with a navigation focus on project types. When a user downloads their asset, they're presented with 3 distilled guidelines.

We designed the site in a straight-forward 3 step hierarchy and organized the assets by project type instead of filetype. The pop-up navigation bar helps bucket confusing files into simple projects that leads a user to a list of files. Those files are presented as design choices (e.g. black on white, reversed). Finally, when a user downloads an asset, they're shown three of the most important guidelines in a last ditch effort to hopefully sway a user to use their power for good.

For design firms or those who know exactly the file type they need, we included an asset library page.


Genentech needed an online app and process for their international team of scientists, researchers, and employees could access their brand and pr Read More


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